Orient vol. 59刊行のお知らせ

Orient vol. 59刊行のお知らせ

本会の欧文機関紙Orient vol.59(Special Issue: Current Studies in Ancient Egyptian Kingship)が刊行されました。2023年度の会費納入時に購入を希望され,追加の会費4,000円をお支払いいただいた会員の方々には,順次お送りします。それ以外の方も,4,000円でご購入が可能です(非会員は7000円)。ご希望の方は学会事務局までお問い合わせください。


Orient vol. 59

Special Issue: Current Studies in Ancient Egyptian Kingship
– Introduction to Special Issue (Tomoaki NAKANO and Nozomu KAWAI)
– Diamond Motif as an Image of Egyptian Kingship (Tomoaki NAKANO)
– The Kingship and the Moon from the Late 17th to Early 18th Dynasties (Gudelia GARCÍA FERNÁNDEZ)
– Kings as Gods in the New Kingdom (Susanne BICKEL)
– The Kingship of Tutankhamun from the Perspective of His Officialdom (Nozomu KAWAI)
– A Study on the Rise of Sheshonq B, Later King Sheshonq I of the 22nd Dynasty (Nobuyuki FUJII)
– Common Savior and Benefactor of All: Popular Conception of Kingship in Ptolemaic Egypt (Yoshiyuki SUTO)

– Continuity and Transformation of the Weeping Ritual: Focusing on the Tammūz Ritual during the Islamic Period (Satoko EHARA)
– The Early Exhibition and Publication of Persian Mīnāʾī and Lājvardīna Wares in Japan: 1915 to 1930 (Richard Piran McCLARY)

Book Review
– Shuich Hasegawa and Karen Radner (eds.), The Reach of the Assyrian and Babylonian Empires: Case Studies in Eastern and Western Peripheries (Sanae ITO)

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